Day #130 @ Photography Project 365

We took a boat ride on Lake Ammersee. Our ride took almost two hours and we only opted for the trip that covered the upper half of the lake. The ride that covers the entire lake would have taken about three hours, which goes to show how big the lake is.

This is a photo of our boat's paddle wheel. As you can imagine, with the wheel spinning at a high speed and sprinkling lots of water on the window, it wasn't easy getting a clear shot. Nonetheless, after several attempts, I managed to get something decent enough.


Anonymous said...

I would have never been able to guess what it was. Its an awesome capture. Love the water texture it created on the glass.

J.J.S. said...

Thanks, M. Fortunately, this shot turned out pretty OK. I had to make several attempts though.

thekreativelife said...

I really do like this shot! Very unique!